Holy Week Webcasts
Once again, St. Gertrude the Great Church, West Chester, Ohio, will be simulcasting its Holy Week services live over the internet. If you can't assist at services in person, this is an opportunity for you to do so using the proverbial "wonders of modern technology."
PALM SUNDAY:- 7:30 AM Low Mass
- 8:50 AM Blessing of Palms, High Mass
- 11:30 AM Low Mass
- 5:45 PM Low Mass
- 6:30 PM Tenebrae
- 9:00 AM Pontifical Mass
- 12:30 PM Maundy (Washing of Feet)
- 6:30 PM Tenebrae
- 12:15 PM Pontifical Mass of the Presanctified, Tre Ore
- 6:30 PM Tenebrae
- 8:00 AM Easter Vigil, Pontifical Mass.
- 7:30 AM Low Mass
- 9:00 AM Pontifical High Mass
- 11:30 AM Low Mass. Benediction
Article on Bugnini 1955 Holy Week changes